Saturday, February 15, 2025

Sidi Bou Zid


 Sunday's Panzer beating of US forces

was done by a diversionary force and it was 

not the main attack, according to Allied brass

at HQ.  The real effort was yet to come further

north.  That was why the commander of 

1st Armored Division ordered only a battalion

size counterattack for the next morning.

50 Sherman tanks should be enough to handle

whatever lay waiting for them down the road

at Sidi Bou Zid.

Not quite.  The Allied generals were deceived

by a German head fake.  And the punch wasn't 

going to be a jab but a roundhouse right. 

Rommel intended to route the beejeebers out of the 

amateur American army.  He would have them

running all the way back to Casablanca.

That was the greeting Rommel had planned for

the inexperienced Yanks.

Wreckage of all sorts would become the price of

having to learn from one's mistakes.

The counterattack wasn't underway until after noon.

Chaos created by a German dive bomber attack

took two hours to straighten out.

Attacking Sidi Bou Zid was a three company

wedge of the new M4 Sherman tanks.

These were direct from Detroit, where they

would be produced by the thousands.

By contrast the Germans could manage to 

produce no more than a dozen Tiger tanks

a week.  They were simply too difficult to make.

Flank security was provided by these 

tank destroyer halftracks, running along

side the tanks.  The shells they fired weren't

designed to penetrate German tank armor.

It didn't help morale when the rounds fired

bounced useless off the enemy tank.

12:40 pm.

Steep-sided desert gullies were obstacles to

Ward's armored formation.  So were the Luftwaffe

pilots, busy divebombing once again overhead. 

Tanks scattered and chaos ensued.  The attack

timetable was further set back.  But it wouldn't

much matter.  Yankee tankers would soon deal  

with far bigger worries.

There isn't time to hook a howitzer to a truck

when a tank is coming.  Artillery needs to move

quick, along with the tanks, on an armored battlefield.

3:15 pm

Shells coming in from German artillery hidden

behind Sidi Bou Zid.  Panzer tanks, 15 of them,

spring from the village and race directly toward

the charging Shermans.

Jeeps chauffer officers. Army halftracks do 

most everything else.  They were a Hummer on steroids.

Here it provided the platform for antiaircraft guns.

Other times it would carry the GIs needed for

infantry tank protection.  Tanks were nearly blind.

Enemy troops could easily sneak up on them and

carry out their bad intentions. 

3:25 pm

14 German tanks appeared suddenly from the shadows 

of Lassouda.  Dive-bombers struck again.

Still more panzers appeared and joined the fray.

Nothing like disaster to clear your mind.

The Americans had fallen into a trap.

German panzer tanks waited patiently for

the American tank formation to arrive.

A battalion of Shermans charged into the teeth

of two panzer divisions.  This became the live-fire 

lesson plan for the day.

In two days two battalions of tanks were wiped out,

as were two artillery battalions. And two entire

infantry battalions were swallowed up by a

sea of German troops.

Americans needed a whole new game plan.

Rommel was about to blow through the door.

*  *  *  *  *

©  Tom Taylor 



Sunday, February 9, 2025

happy birthday Jessicca!

















good morning justin


B - 29   Tail Gun

A small door is provided for the gunner's escape hatch

if the plane suddenly plummets towards Earth.

It beats scrambling halfway down the fuselage

to find another way out.

C - 97   Stratofreighter

An early Cold War cargo plane used by the Army.

The aircraft is basically a B-29 with a different fuselage. 

It was called upon to provide a quick reinforcement

capability when US and Soviet tanks confronted

one another during the Berlin crisis of 1961.

B - 17G   Chin Gun

Luftwaffe pilots discovered the safest way to attack

the Flying Fortress was to fly head-on towards its front.

Their fire killed those piloting the bomber.

The solution was to add a duel .50 under the nose.

Being a B - 17 pilot became slightly less harrowing.

F - 4   Phantom 

The aerial workhorse over Vietnam - both 

north and south of the DMZ.  Let's say

you're in a firefight too big for your resources.

You radio a call for support.  Maybe mortars

from battalion is what you need.  If not,

the next step up is regimental artillery or

possibly a Huey gunship.  If you're still

taking a beating then keep your head down

because a Phantom is about to unleash

ordinance Hell in front of you. 

F - 89   Scorpion 

It's mission was to intercept enemy jet bombers.

The sooner the better.  You want the speed of 

twin jet engines.  Dogfight ability isn't needed 

to knock a lumbering bomber from the sky.

This is a dart doing nearly 650 mph.

So what's with the windshield wiper?

Everything is swept away by the wind.

B - 52   Tail Gun

The B - 29 had 4 remote control turrets for defense

but they still needed a human cramped in the back

to protect their rear.  It lingered into the jet age

until technology caught up with the need.




Saturday, February 8, 2025

First Blood


Saturday 13 Feb.  1:30 pm

American flyers respond to report of enemy trucks

driving north to south just east of Faid.

The pilots strafe and bomb an estimated 100 vehicles

loaded with troops.  As a result 20 trucks are claimed

to have been destroyed.

 13 Feb. Saturday - late afternoon.

German troops begin sporadic shelling of American

troops entrenched atop Djebel Lassouda - 

a hill that guards the road to Sbeitla.  A few

short miles away a second hilltop, Djebel Ksaira,

is similarly fortified with Yanks guarding the highway.

 13 Feb:  Saturday evening

General Eisenhower came to Tebessa to survey

General Fredendall's deployment of US troops.

The commander of II Corps didn't foresee any

major action on this front.  The 1st Armored Division

was scattered about the Sbeitla plain despite

Army doctrine calling for concentrating your armored

power.  There was dissention among Fredendall's

field commanders.  For one thing, he was making 

decisions without knowing the circumstance.

Only once had he even visited the frontline and

his visit there was too brief to assess the terrain.

Eisenhower was not one to interfere.

He deferred tactical decisions to his subordinates.

His commanders were picked with the expectation

they were up to the job.  He left for Constantine 

keeping his beliefs to himself.

A warning from Allied intelligence was just received.

Axis forces would attack in the morning -

Valentine's day.  The question was where.

General Anderson, the front's commander, believed

the assault would be up around Tunis.

An attack into central Tunisia would be a diversion.

Very manageable.

14 Feb. Sunday 4:00 am

German forces attack Sidi Bou Zid.

5:30 am.

Upon his arrival at Constantine, Eisenhower receives

news of fierce fighting around the small Arab village.

General McQuillin of Combat Command A, CCA,

reports his men are holding their own.

He counterattacks with his tanks charging

across an open plain.

 14 Feb. Sunday - midafternoon

Setbacks reported.

Two American infantry battalions were surrounded,

marooned on two separate hilltops near Sidi Bou Zid.

Meanwhile to the south Combat Command A was

fighting for its survival.

The quick, bold charge of tanks was easily repulsed.

The long distance guns on the Tiger tanks easily picked

off all Yankee armor before they ever got close.

Now nothing stood in the way of advancing German armor.

 14 Feb Sunday evening

Germans controlled Sidi Bou Zid.

The Americans were in retreat to Sbeitla.

Their tank battalion destroyed.

Their artillery overrun.  They'd been routed.

The two infantry battalions surrounded on the hilltops

of Lassouda and Ksaira took advantage of darkness

and attempted to escape the German noose by

slipping through enemy lines in small groups of 2 or 3. 

It was an unfair fight.

Battalions of inexperienced GIs taking on

divisions of experienced Panzer troops.

And something else was wrong.

U.S. Army armored doctrine was obsolete.

Someone needed to shake it up.

*  *  *  *  *

©  Tom Taylor



Sunday, February 2, 2025

good morning jacob

60 Month Financing

0 Down

It's yours

Speed:  30 mph

Capacity:  25 cubic yards 

Imagine what you can do in a day




Saturday, February 1, 2025



 Axis troops were being crowded into the coastal

area extending from the Mediterranean port of Bizerte 

in the north to Gabes in the south.  The Allies wanted to

use the mountain pass at Faid to strike east, dividing

the German force by capturing Sfax.

Hitler's man in North Africa, General Arnim, responded 

by sending a division of German tanks to wrest

Faid from its poorly equipped French defenders. 

Armin determined that all mountain passes leading

to the Tunisian coast would be under his control.

The Eastern Dorsal mountain range rose to over

four thousand feet at its highest and provided 

safe-haven for North Africa's Axis troops.

It was an effective fortress with its passes armed

to the teeth.  But it was only a defense.

Rommel had a plan to win.

He wouldn't stop with taking Faid but

continue west, routing the Yanks at Kasserine.

Then on to Tebessa - capturing its vast stores

of Allied tanks, trucks, ammunition, fuel and all

the other supplies Rommel would need to stock 

his major offensive.

He would drive Allied forces back into Algeria,

all the way to the Mediterranean shore.

Frankly, Rommel knew his strategy was

a long shot.  That's what he did best.

The audacious gamble.

Arnim's defense was a half-measure leading only

to ultimate defeat.

 American tankers were far better trained than

the stateside GIs that were rushed across the 

Atlantic to land on North African beaches.

Tanks of the 1st Armored Division were dispersed 

on a large plain surrounding Sidi Bou Zid.

The French at Faid made desperate pleas for their 

help.  There was no time to spare.

The American II Corps commander had other ideas.

His response would have been piecemeal at best.

It wouldn't be enough to stop the 10th Panzer Division.

Not with those Yankee Doodle tanks.

The ones engineered by Dr. Seuss.

 The Germans proved to be their own worst enemy.

They were of two minds in countering Allied strategy.

Arnim was the realist.  The resources to fuel 

a German offensive against the Allies didn't exist.

Only high risk action will save the day according

to Rommel.

You have no choice.

But there would be no unified command.

Coordination and cooperation between 

the two rival generals was grudging at best.

 Jealousies helped defeat the German effort.

 The rifleman.

Chances are he doesn't know where he is or 

where he is going.  He knows what is needed

for him to be a rifleman.  That's it. 

The perfect POW.  He knows nothing, 

Maybe you find yourself sitting in the back of a truck

one bitter cold night.  You've been going nowhere

now for three straight hours.  What's happening?

No one knows.  Don't worry about it.

It's the Army.

 American officers spent too much time being uncertain.

Where's the enemy?  What's his disposition?  

Those are standard, healthy questions.

Who's in charge?  Whose orders do I obey?

This is where military chain of command breaks down.

The American response to the conflict at Faid 

revealed fractured leadership among the top brass

at II Corps.  General Fredendall distrusted the 

reports coming from his commanders in the field.

This led to bad decision-making on everyone's part.

Opportunities were missed.  Mistakes made.

Battles lost.

There was frustration and finger-pointing

among the generals going into Kasserine.

*  *  *  *  *

©  Tom Taylor

