Sunday, December 28, 2014

Good Morning Jack

Letter to my Son
Sunday, 28 December

Good Morning Jack…

It’s Christmas day.  The antebellum home sits on a hill overlooking the neighboring farm.  There are horses, of course, and a few donkeys.  But there is also a camel, some llamas and gazelles.  I want to say there is an ostrich but I honestly can’t remember.  It’s a clear oversight if there isn’t. 

Christmas is all about family.  You look at a home and its surroundings and you have to know the entire shebang is centered on the love of a woman.

This is her brother.  A man works his life, not for exotic cars or luxurious homes, but for dignity and the respect of those he loves most.

The barn is a mysterious place.  It’s nestled amidst trees and near a pasture.  A cat lives inside.  He startled me when he made a flying leap from the loft, sailing ten feet to the ground.  Landing on his feet he went lickety-split out the barn door and straight for a thick hedge.

It’s an obligation for the man of the house to fall asleep after eating.  His wife is wide awake but she’s happy to be near him.

The young lady in charge of festive atmosphere happened to dress as a mouse for the occasion.

Seldom does it get better than this.  They can’t believe how lucky they are to know each other.

Happy New Year!


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