Headed out the door shortly.
Gotta buy a canvas and get brushes and such out of storage.
I hope to experiment. How about unprimed canvas for starts?
The idea is only about finding something I do that I can like...
burlap, pencil scratching a hard oil surface, a knife for smearing, maybe.
It’s a good mood - like a spring Saturday afternoon with the fragrance of
lawn clippings drifting my way.
Fairfield Porter: Katie and Anne 1953 |
I’m seeing realism at first glance. But it’s just flat patches of color.
Modeling is gone. This internet picture doesn’t do it justice. It’s in
American Realism by Edward Lucie-Smith - page 163. The book introduces me to a number of quality artists with good color reproductions of their work. The pages are light, bright and have no hint
of a musty twelve hundred page museum tomb.
This sight has other paintings of Fairfield Porter:
Salvatore Scarpitta |
Lee Boutecou |
Otto Muehl |
These are all examples of works found in the book:
Destroy the Picture
Painting the Void 1949 - 1962
Muehl has turned his painting surface into some alcohol-driven bedroom battle while Scarpitta has crafted an engaging travel poster.
Muehl is one here painting the void. Boutecou feels himself a rodent
scrambling amidst the shadows of industrial bellows and towering machines
stamping out metal miracles.
Yada yada yada. Time to get my supplies.
© Tom Taylor