Population 2010: 2,700,551
State Rank: 35th
Change since 2000: up
Urban: 84%
Median Income: 55,322
Private Employment: 82%
Government Employment: 13
Self-Employed: 5
Poverty: 12
Blue Collar: 21
White Collar: 53
Median Age: 35
Over 65: 11%
High School Graduates: 84%
College Graduates: 22
Graduate Degree: 7
Veterans: 12%
Registered Voters 2010:
Democrats 579,108
Republicans 471,819
Independents 288,284
Voter Turnout - 723,515
Turnout, Voting Age -
White: 54%
Black: 8
Hispanic: 27
Asian: 7
Native American: 1
2008 Presidential Vote:
Barack Obama (D) - 533,736 55%
John McCain (R) - 412,827 43
2004 Presidential Vote:
George W. Bush (R) - 418,690 50%
John Kerry (D) - 397,190 48
Congressional Districts:
112th Congress: 2 Democrat 2 Republican*
111th Congress: 2 Democrats 1 Republican
* Nevada gained a fourth District in the 2010 census.
Senators: 1
Democrat Harry Reid
Republican Dean Heller
2010 Congressional Districts
District Democrat
Congressman 62% of vote
President: 2008 Obama 64
2004 Kerry 57
City: Las Vegas
Urban 100%
Median Income 49,495
Over 65 9%
High School 77%
College degree 17
Graduate degree 6
Blue Collar 23%
White Collar 47
White 39%
Black 13
Hispanic 37
Asian 6
District Republican Congressman 63% of vote
President: 2008 McCain 49
2004 Bush 57
City: Reno
Urban 79%
Median Income 54,370
Over 65 13%
High School 85%
College degree 22
Graduate degree 8
Blue Collar 23%
White Collar 55
White 68%
Black 3
Hispanic 20
Asian 4
Native American 2
District Republican Congressman 48% of vote
President: 2008 Obama 55
2004 Bush 50
City: Henderson
Urban 96%
Median Income 60,998
Over 65 11%
High School 88%
College degree 25
Graduate degree 8
Blue Collar 18%
White Collar 56
White 54%
Black 7
Hispanic 23
Asian 11
Native American 1
District Democrat Congressman
Data not available for new district.