Saturday, July 20, 2024



The miracle of Dunkirk was that Hitler passed

on the opportunity to destroy the British army.

He wanted Britain off the continent but he didn't 

need Yankee imperialists and Japanese warlords

inheriting for free the sprawling British Empire.

The dagger at Britain's throat.

After the humiliating drubbing Nazi forces delivered 

to the Brits, Hitler believed London would quickly

agree to his offer for peace demands.

First, he'd take control of the western Mediterranean

with England giving him Gibraltar.  A present of

British oilfields in Iran and Iraq would give Germany

much needed energy independence.

This, too, would be part of any deal guaranteeing

Britain's safety.

Churchill calls Hitler's bluff.

With his troops from Dunkirk home safely

Churchill drew his line in the sand:

There will be no negotiations with Hitler.

If he wants anything from us he's going

to have to come and get it himself.

The Few.

An invasion of Britain requires the German 

Luftwaffe to have control of the air.  

Transporting ten German divisions across 

the channel to England's shores requires

an air force that can hold off the mighty 

Royal Navy.  The Royal Air Force, though,

must first be destroyed.

Air Minister Dowding

Churchill wants more fighters sent to France.

Dowding say, No.  It's a losing cause.

The Royal Navy wants the RAF to defend 

shipping in the English Channel.

Once again, Dowding says no.  

Take the train.

Luftwaffe bombers headed for England.

England's survival depends upon fighters fending off

an overwhelming number of Nazi warplanes

with precious few pilots of their own.

This is the challenge that takes up all of 

Air Minister Hugh Dowding's time.

And he thinks he has it figured out.

* * * * *

©  Tom Taylor


Saturday, July 13, 2024



Maurice Gamelin was in a rare good mood,

having fought off another attempt to have him

fired as Supreme Allied Commander for being

out of touch - complacent in his view of the 

looming threat posed by Hitler.

Now Gamelin could be heard softly humming a tune

as he moved about his HQ.  Reports from the front

appeared to confirm his view of Germany's intent.

The troops were ready.  His staff was upbeat.

Everyone's optimistic.


A trap is sprung.

French and British troops dashed north, up 

Belgium roads towards prepared defenses along

the River Dyle.  The Allies were putting everything

they could muster into this left punch.

Funny thing, though.  The Luftwaffe is the most

powerful air force on the planet.  But where are they?

You'd expect constant bomber and Stuka attacks

to disrupt and slow down the Allied surge forth.

Nothing.  What gives?  Officers talked of this

among themselves.  It's like the Germans 

actually want us to get away from France

as fast as possible.


The Luftwaffe was providing an umbrella of air

protection for an army of tanks nudging down

forest roads.  Then, from out of the forest

and onto the quaint village streets of Sedan

rushed Guderian's armor.

Gamelin is confused by these reports but he 

persists in believing the German attack is coming

from his front and not his now exposed flank.

Concentrated firepower acts like the blade of a knife.

French doctrine disbursed tanks among the infantry

because their perspective was primarily defensive.

The burden of success lay with the offense.

It was for the Germans to devise a tactic that wasn't

suicidal in the face of machine guns and anti-tank 

cannon fire.  World War I had proved to generals that

defense dominated the battlefield and rushed forward 

assault was obsolete. 

Guderian's mobile command.

The order of the day was to look neither left nor right

but to plunge straight ahead, peddle to the metal,

all the way to the English Channel.  Your enemy's

confusion was your best defense against any 


Race to the Channel.

The Allied forces were fighting a war familiar

to Civil War generals of the horse and buggy era.

You endured a series of battles that hopefully

led you to the steps of your opponent's capital.

Blitzkrieg doctrine was to make it all very quick.

Go for the jugular.  

Get me checkmate in five moves.  

* * * * *

©  Tom Taylor



Saturday, July 6, 2024



Objective:  Cross Meuse River

There will be no blitzkrieg, no World War 2

if the French hold the Germans at Sedan.

Maybe.  A hundred miles of armored breakthrough

depends first on men under fire in rubber dinghies.

P a n z e r   I I

Without bridges water barriers make for 

stop and go blitzkrieg.  Defensive works

on the far bank need to be cleared of

resistance.  The rapid firing cannon of this

panzer saturates the target with 20mm rounds,

Establish bridgehead.

These fast rowing teams are sitting ducks if their

covering fire is not effective.  A couple of platoons

with a foothold on the far side enables combat

engineers to begin building a bridge.


These dive bombers replace the cumbersome artillery 

that normally accompanies an army into battle.

The Stuka's bombload is light but its aim is precise.

A fortified bunker does not withstand its attack. 

Pontoon Bridge

A road for tanks came together in a matter of hours.

The large armored force of Guderian was free to

run rapid across the tank friendly terrain of France.


French troops have been routed and German armor

now controls both sides of the Meuse around Sedan.

A number of HQ generals want time to bring up the

infantry and consolidate their forces.  Nonsense.

Delay gives the French time to regroup.  The road to

the English Channel is wide open, undefended.

Guderian forges on, unrelenting.  Flank support 

mostly nonexistent.  It's a big risk.

Hitler is unnerved.

* * * * * 

©  Tom Taylor



Saturday, June 29, 2024

War Lord



N A T I O N A L     S U R V I V A L

Blitzkrieg has vulnerable flanks.

It's a long neck.  Cut off the head.

Very quickly your tank attack runs out of gas

and ammo.  Without supply your armored punch

becomes state of the art junk.  Useless.

British and French forces had the chance

for such a successful counterattack but their

lack of organization squandered the opportunity. 

Germans are believers in big surprises.

They head fake the Royal Navy outside Norway

and now French forces feel like they are shooting

at targets in a fun house mirror.  The threat

in front of you has suddenly become the threat

 to your rear.  The result is catastrophic.
  Party over.

Arsenal of Democracy

How does Britain defeat Hitler?

"I shall drag the United States in"  says Churchill.

The US Army is minuscule in size but Uncle Sam 

is truly the industrial giant Daddy Warbucks.

Already across the Atlantic shipyards are awakening

and factories expanding.  Soon the workers used

to assembling Chevys will instead build tanks,

planes, trucks and other implements of war.

Marx provides Stalin his strategy.

 "A war is on between two groups of capitalist countries.

Hitler, without understanding it or desiring it, is shaking

and undermining the capitalist system.  We can 

maneuver, pit one side against the other to set them

fighting with each other as fiercely as possible."

Stalin to his aids prior to Poland.

FDR runs for third term.

Roosevelt knows war will one day come to America.

The voters want nothing to do with the war in Europe.

The war to end all wars ended just twenty year ago

and now... here we are again.  Foolishness.

I can't get ahead of the voters, Franklin says.

You'll just have to wait, Winston.

* * * * * 

©  Tom Taylor



Saturday, June 22, 2024



Economics provide the foundation for a modern military.

Stalin saw industrialization, mass production, as 

the decisive factor to winning the war with Germany.

A successful war economy made huge numbers of

battlefield necessities because combat wear and 

tear quickly used up all the trucks, tanks, planes,

and ammo on hand.  

Germany had few strategic resources of its own.

A six month supply of critical materials such as 

steel and oil was all that Hitler could count on to

win the war.  Everything Germany needed to be

strong militarily was imported, scarce and often

not reliably available.  

The strategy for war had to take this into account.

Success over your enemy had to be quick, decisive.

The Allies base their strategy on defense.

The strategy of Britain and France was to play defense.

Prolonging the war worked to their favor because of

Germany's material disadvantage.  The German

military could be crippled by denying this elite force

it's 20th century underpinnings.

Germany bets on an armored punch with speed.

Blitzkrieg was the tactic German strategists wanted

because it offered the potential for quick victory.

This meant a very selective, pinpoint offense of

armor, artillery and air support.  Concentrated firepower 

would overwhelm your opponent's defense, creating

a breach that would enable tanks to speed behind

enemy lines - disrupting supplies, capturing

command centers and causing confusion.

Surprise is an essential component of victory.

Your enemy's most vulnerable point is where your 

main attack is least expected.  

France believed the Ardennes region along its

northern border was too mountainous to 

support an advancing panzer force.

French defense along the Meuse River was

infantry, mostly older reservists lightly armed. 

They hadn't trained for confronting an army 

of tanks.

The Luftwaffe controlled the skies over Ardennes.

The German force headed for the Meuse

was backed up over a hundred miles of 

narrow, winding mountain roads.

The French were right.  This was not tank country.

Meanwhile, the Allies thought they were fighting

the main German attack in Belgium.  Everything

was going as planned.  Britain and France rushed

their troops forward into battle.  They had matters

well in hand.  So they thought.  

Turns out they were just chasing the bait.  

* * * * * 

©  Tom Taylor

