something something landscape
please have your ticket ready
keep arms and legs inside
social hour everyday at four
our balcony view at sunset
we had breakfast on the road
© Tom Taylor
something something landscape
please have your ticket ready
keep arms and legs inside
social hour everyday at four
our balcony view at sunset
we had breakfast on the road
© Tom Taylor
( ahem )
whether it's here today, gone tomorrow
no problem, say you
you travel right with Kim Bear
it's been a blast from the past
Putin's Ukraine strategy
The Russian military rapidly seizes Kyiv, replacing Ukraine's
government with one of its own in an assault on the capital,
leaving Russian opposition dispersed, immobilized, and
without a leader that would be followed by all. The U.S.
and NATO find themselves powerless to reverse Putin's
fait accompli. Ukraine is once again Russian.
The invasion hasn't gone as planned.
Russia's military incompetence has forced Putin to issue
warnings of escalating the war to one of chemical or
nuclear warfare. Such threats attempt to strengthen a losing
hand. A nation having several thousand nuclear weapons
has final say in the degree of defeat it is willing to suffer.
Nations capable of annihilating your society with nukes
are given an out.
Mig-29 fighters like those Poland offered Ukraine
Washington says Ukraine's problem is mostly on the ground,
not in the air. The risk of escalating the war further is greater
than the benefits derived from a Ukrainian enforced no-fly zone.
S-300 SAM Missile System
This Surface-to-Air Missile System may be a less provocative way
of enforcing a no-fly zone over Ukraine. It's high-altitude reach
complements the shoulder-fired Stinger anti-aircraft missile that
has a ceiling of 3,500 feet.
Sukhoi Su-34 fighter-bomber
Tactical aircraft such as this two-man fighter-bomber
are prey for Stinger missiles because they must dive in
below 3,500 feet in order to provide effective
ground support. A number of Su-34s have been
shot down in this manner over Ukraine.
Mi-35 Hind Attack Helicopter
These Russian-made helicopters are also designed to attack
enemy ground units at altitudes low to the ground. These crews
are well aware of their vulnerability to Stinger attacks.
Bayraktar TB2 Drone
This Turkish Drone carries lethal tank-busting rockets
under its wings and has proved quite effective for the Ukrainians.
TOS-1 Buratino MLRS
This Multiple Launch Rocket System is the
modern-day version of Siege Machines found
in the Middle Ages. They are currently positioned
around cities such as Mariupol and Kharkiv.
BMP-3 Armored Personnel Carrier
A rocket has fatally penetrated the light armor of this
Russian APC found abandoned outside Mariupol.
T-72 Heavy Tanks
This Soviet era tank is widely used by both Ukrainians and Russians.
* * * * *
s u n d a y ! s u n d a y !
i ' m n o t r e a d y
s u n d a y ! s u n d a y !
i t ' s a t i t l e o r s o m e t h i n g