p a t t e r s o n f a r m
metal, glass, synthetics aging
Always change, no matter what
is beginning or end.
name, logo, business
It's yours. Something to love along the way.
transportation, wheel, human intelligence
It matters that we love something till the end.
life form, insect, awareness
Love of warming sunlight.
organism, animal, species
Reproduction becomes personal. Love.
consciousness, identity, behavior
Mind indulges thoughts seemingly beyond survival mode.
couple, genetics, variability
Love is instinct, a shared feeling guiding like responses
for all members of a species.
bird, reptilian, flight
What feeling do we experience that
isn't an attempt to steer our actions?
mind, subjectivity, reality
We seem in all manner to be predestined with biology.
Genetics, the shared molecular mechanism found in all life.
Thought, with provision for reason, a tender wildcard.
© Tom Taylor