Saturday, October 5, 2024

Mersa Matruh


The British 8th Army crossed over the border

into Egypt a beaten force; their tank formations

destroyed and doubt replaced confidence in their

view of leadership.  

General Auchinleck stuck his neck way out when

he picked Lieutenant-General Ritchie to lead the

8th Army in a winner-take-all confrontation with

Rommel's Afrika Korps.  A good number of 

battlefield experienced generals were ignored 

in favor of this untested staff officer.

Tobruk was captured and the 8th was 

nearly destroyed.  Firing Ritchie wasn't

enough.  Churchill would also fire Auchinleck

a couple months further down the road.

Rommel remained steadfast in adversity because

he believed he could always out-general the British.

Tobruk brought him the top rank of Field Marshall

and plenty of professional jealousy.  War of epic

scale raged with the Russians in the east while

Rommel soaked up the glory with a two division

sideshow in North Africa.

 The plan was to invade Malta once Rommel

cleared Libya of the British.  Holding North African

ports such as Tripoli and Tobruk wasn't enough

so long as Britain continued to sink Rommel's 

supplies coming from Italy.  Taking Egypt and the

Suez depended on Germany clearing the  

Mediterranean of the RAF and the subs

that patrolled from this strategic base.


 Rommel wants to pursue the British into Egypt now.

The opportunity to destroy the 8th Army is at hand.

Hitler agrees.  He's not keen on invading Malta.

It would be a big commitment of resources just when

everything possible is being done to supply the war

in Russia.  Besides Hitler doesn't trust Mussolini.

The Italians are incompetent and he is sure he would

be left to take Malta alone.

 Bernard Montgomery.

The guy talks truth to power.

Most everyone finds him to be a royal pain.

Churchill picked him to straighten out the

Eighth Army, but first they must survive

Rommel's push to destroy the British

at Mersa Matruh.

* * * * *

©  Tom Taylor-



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