Saturday, August 24, 2024



 Operation Compass

At the end of 1940 the British route Italian forces

arrayed along the Libyan border with Egypt.

British Desert Generals

Thinking the Italian threat in Libya is extinguished

Churchill guts his army in North Africa by sending

its best troops off to the Balkans in a futile attempt

to save Greece from a Nazi invasion. 

Rommel in North Africa 

The legendary Desert Fox arrives in February 1941.

The British, Italians and Germans, even Hitler,

expect the Afrika Korps will launch their first attack

on British forces sometime in May, giving Rommel

the needed time to acclimate himself to the realities

of desert warfare.

Italian POWs

What's there to acclimate to?  

Rommel begins planning his offensive the day

he arrives, catching a plane to scout the terrain.

His men haven't even begun to show up.  No problem.

He'll use the Italian forces still under Axis control.

They got shellacked by the British but Rommel

is confident they will perform for him.

There are no bad men, just bad leaders.

Charge of Italian M13 tanks 

The tanks don't arrive for weeks.

We don't need German tanks when we've got Italian

ones.  There are no excuses for delaying this attack.  

The British are in disarray.  Their new generals

are inexperienced and uncertain.  

Surprise them with a swift, hard kick.  

In the desert it is all about speed.

Tobruk becomes a famous last stand.

This fortified harbor is manned by a division 

of Aussies.  They're not much for spit-shined 

salutes but they behave with a nasty disposition

good enough to stop the Afrika Korps 

in its tracks.

* * * * * 

©  Tom Taylor



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