Saturday, August 17, 2024



Bedding down in the Tube.

Screw the Brits.  They aren't worth it.

Goering will send bombers nightly to 

burn London to the ground.  Then Hitler

will call it a day.  He's out of time and

patience.  Churchill is no longer a threat.

Leave it to the U-boats to strangle the life

out of England.

The prize to the East.

It's always been about Russia.  To be a great power

Germany needs the vast spaces and resources

of the Soviet empire.  All that stands in the way of

the Nazis seizing these riches are the corrupt and

incompetent Bolsheviks.  Just kick in the door.

Hitler's nemesis.

Stalin is no fool.  The Nazi plan all along has been to

defeat Russia and take control of the land west of the

Urals.  The Kremlin needs to buy time.  Give Stalin

another two years and he believes he can raise an army

that will stop the Germans.  Hitler knows he can't wait

long to act.  His army is mobilized.  Make use of it.

Mussolini with Hitler.

Italy was in over its head.  Il Duce wanted Rome

to achieve greatness on the back of a peasant 

economy.  All their flashy signs of empire were 

bargain basement second rate.   Loyalty to 

Mussolini was the governing rule to attaining

military command.  Now the Duce needs Hitler's

aid to prevent the British from throwing him

out of Africa.  Does Germany really want Britain

to control the Mediterranean, Benito asks 

his friend, Adolf.

North Africa.

This is Germany's southern flank.  The Mediterranean's

outlets to the Atlantic and Indian Oceans are bracketed 

with British fortresses at Gibraltar and Suez.

Vast amounts of oil wait here for anyone capable

of taking it from England's army based in Egypt.

It's been somewhat neglected; a backwater posting.


He found his calling commanding tanks across the

desert's flat, open spaces.  Unconstrained.  

Nothing to hinder rapid movement in force.

No woods to block the way.  No rivers to ford.

Just kicking up the dust when you let those

Tiger diesels rip.

* * * * *

©  Tom Taylor



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