Saturday, August 31, 2024



 German troops arrive in three weeks.

Tanks of the 15th Panzers, 120 of them,

off load at the end of May.

Two months from now.

 Two months gives the British time to train

their green troops.  It gives them time to 

plot their fields of fire, fortify positions,

string barb wire and lay mines.

 The Tommy's are untested.

Their leadership green and uncertain.

The speed of desert warfare should 

knock them for a loop.

Italians generally perform better when led by Rommel.

But in this frontal assault the Brits are stubbornly

holding their ground.

Then, late in the afternoon, Rommel delivers 

a sharp armored hook into the coastal flank

of the British line.  The English defense collapses.

Mersa el Brega falls to the Nazis.

Two months early.

 How much time do you think armies put into

practicing retreat?  It's not easy to do.  

In this instance the British formations disintegrate.

Military order becomes a mob heading for the exit.

Rommel's forces stay close on their heels,

gobbling up territory all along the way.

* * * * *

©  Tom Taylor



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